Software Engineering: Question Set – 09
Define Software process
The organised sequence of tasks that must be completed in order to create a software system is an example of what is referred to as a software process.
What is the limitation of RAD Model?
These are the limitations of the RAD model:
- In order to form a suitable number of teams, it is necessary to have a sufficient quantity of Human Resources.
- If the system’s developers and users are not committed, it will not work.
- The fact that the building component has not been properly modularized makes it potentially problematic.
- It can no longer be used in situations where there is a greater potential for technical risk.
Define Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?
Quality Function Deployment, often known as QFD, is a technique that converts the needs of the user into a set of specifications for the system. The goal is to achieve the highest possible level of pleasure for the end user throughout the software development process.
What is the use of CMM?
Conformance to established functional clearly and performance requirements, explicitly defined development standards, and intrinsic features expected for professionally built software is what we mean when we talk about software quality.
Define Smoke Testing?
Integration testing is sometimes known as smoke testing, and it is utilised extensively during the development of software products.
What are the benefits of Smoke Testing?
Smoke testing offers a number of advantages, including:
- Integration Risk is minimized.
- Quality of end-product is improved.
- Error diagnosis and Correction are simplified.
- Progress is easy to assess.
What is Equivalence Partition?
Equivalence Partitions Creates classes of data from a program’s input domain, from which test cases are then created. An equivalence class is present, and it consists of a Set of Objects that are related by relationships such as Symmetric, Transitive, and Reflexive.
What are the steps followed in testing?
The steps followed in testing are:
- Unit testing: The individual elements are tested in this type of testing.
- Module testing: Related group of independent items is tested.
- Sub-system testing: This is a type of integration testing. Different modules are integrated into a sub-system, and the entire subsystem is tested.
- System testing: The entire system is tested in this system.
- Acceptance testing: This type of testing contains testing of the system with user data if the system behaves as per client need, then it is accepted.
Distinguish between Alpha and Beta testing.
There are two different kinds of acceptance testing: alpha testing and beta testing.
- o Alpha testing: Alpha testing is a type of validation in which the end user evaluates a fully functional version of the software while being supervised by the software’s creator. This testing is carried out at the location designated by the developer.
- Beta testing: Customer-driven testing, often known as beta testing, is a type of testing in which a customer evaluates a version of the software in the absence of the software’s developer. This testing is carried out at the location specified by the customer.