Software Engineering: Question Set – 04

Software Engineering: Question Set – 04

What is Cohesion?

The degree to which the constituent parts of a module are connected to one another is referred to as the module’s cohesion. It functions similarly to an internal glue, holding all of the component parts of a module together. High degrees of cohesiveness are indicative of quality software.

What is Coupling?

The level of interdependence that exists between the modules is referred to as their coupling. A well-designed piece of software will have a low level of coupling.

Which SDLC model is the best to choose for a Software Product?

There is no hard and fast rule that stipulates a certain software development life cycle (SDLC) model has to be employed when developing software. It is dependent on the kind of software project that is being developed as well as the policies and processes of the organisation.

How do you measure Project execution?

The following methods can be utilised in order to monitor the current status of the project’s execution.

  • Status Reports
  • Milestone checklists
  • Activity Monitoring

Discuss the various categories of software

The following are the primary categories that software products fall into:

  • System software includes things like compilers, drivers, and operating systems. This category also includes other types of software.
  • Software for developing websites and networks Computer networking software provides the functionality required for computers to communicate with one another and with data storage facilities.
  • Embedded software refers to the software that is utilised in instrumentation and control applications, such as those found in washing machines, satellites, microwaves, televisions, and other electronic devices.
  • Software that is based on artificial intelligence includes expert systems, decision support systems, pattern recognition software, artificial neural networks, and other forms of software. This category of software includes all of these types of software.
  • Scientific software: These programmes assist the needs of a user in the scientific or engineering fields to carry out activities that are enterprise-specific. Examples include MATLAB, AUTOCAD, etc.

What are the characteristics of software?

The following are the six most important aspects of software:

  • Functionality is the term used to describe the activities that a piece of software is designed to carry out. For instance, the capability of a calculator is to carry out a variety of mathematical operations.
  • Efficiency refers to the software’s capacity to make the most of the resources it is given in the most effective manner feasible. Improving the effectiveness of software leads to greater utilisation of available resources and lower overall costs.
  • Reliability: Reliability refers to the possibility that operational software in an environment will not experience any failures. It is an essential quality for software to possess.
  • Usability is a term that relates to the experience that the user has while utilising the software. The ease of use is a significant factor in determining user happiness.
  • Maintainability is the ease with which software code may be fixed, improved, and understood. Maintainability refers to how simple it is to do all of these things. The part of the software development cycle known as software maintenance starts once the product has been delivered to the client and is complete.
  • Portability is the ease with which a software product can be moved from one environment to another. This relates to how easily the programme can be transferred.

What is Debugging?

In the field of software engineering, the act of locating and fixing errors in computer programmes is referred to as “debugging.” To put it another way, it is the procedure of identifying issues, determining their severity, and implementing solutions. Once the software is unable to execute normally, debugging becomes an absolute necessity.

What is Software prototyping and POC?

A software prototype is a model that is functional but has only a subset of the features of the final product. Due to the fact that the prototype is an additional piece of labour that may or may not contain the exact logic that will be utilised in the final software programme, this aspect of the calculation needs to be taken into consideration. Users have the ability to assess the recommendations made by developers and test them out through the use of prototyping before the proposals are implemented. In addition to this, it assists in comprehending user-specific nuances, some of which the developer may have overlooked during the product development process.

POC stands for “proof of concept,” which is a process that companies use to determine whether or not an idea or concept is realistic. Existence of the stage indicates that the process of developing software has not yet begun. To determine whether or not a concept is capable of being put into action, a miniature project is developed and evaluated according to its technical capacity and business model.