One Day Workshop on “Preparing for Interview & Effective Resume Writing using Latex” at Government Engineeirng College, Modasa
- Resume Template 1
- Resume Template 2
- Resume Template 3
- Resume Template 4
- Resume Template 5
- Resume Template 6
- Resume Template 7
- Resume Template 8
- Resume Template 9
- Resume Template 10
- Resume Template 11
- Resume Template 12
- Resume Template 13
- Resume Template 14
- Resume Template 15
Expert talk on “Path from AI to Machine Learning: Regression & Classification” at LDRP Intitute of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar
- company.csv (Task: Simple Linear Regression)
- Fish.csv (Task: Multiple Linear Regression)
- Position_Salaries.csv (Task: Polynomial Regression)
- Breast Cancer Coimbra.csv (Task: Classification)
- Cancer_Classification.csv (Task: Classification)
- CodeCrucks
- 20 Tasks to Master Customization of Charts
- What is Data Visualization?
- Gentle Introduction to MATPLOTLIB
- In-depth customization of Line Chart
- testdata.csv (Task: Mastering Graph in Python)
- Event Schedule
- Model Evaluation Metric
Expert talk on “Advanced Topics on Theory of Compuation” at Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology, Changa
Content Covered:
- Turing Decidable problems
- Turing Recognizable problems
- Undecidable problems
- Decidability table
- Tractable Problems
- Untractable problems
- Deterministic Algorithms
- Non-Deterministic Algorithms
- P & NP Problems
- Polynomial Time Reduction
- NP-Completeness
- NP-Hardness
- Countability
Expert talk on “Data Visualization” at Sakalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar
Expert talk on “Weight Optimization Algorithms” at Gujarat Power Engineering & Research Institute, Mehsana
Web Resources
Expert talk on “Machine Learning – What, Why and Where” at Government Engineering College, Patan
Video Tutorials:
- Machine Learning by Prof. Andrew Ng
- Machine Learning with Python
- Video Lecture Series by Prof. S. Sarkar (IIT – Kharagpur)
Web Resources
Expert talk on “MATLAB and Its Applications in Image Segmentation” at Parul Institute of Computer Applications, Baroda
Image Segmentation
Expert talk on “Introduction to Machine Learning” at S N Patel Institute of Technology, Umrakh, Bardoli
Logistic Regression:
Web Resources
Expert talk on “Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning” in one week ATAL-FDP on “Machine Learning Concepts using Python” at Government Polytechnic, Gandhingar
Logistic Regression:
Journal List for the Research Publication
Indexing Record as on 01/01/2022. Status of the journal may change over the time.
This is not an exhaustive list of journals. It is a list of a few selected journals which are neither ranking too high nor too low. As a beginner or intermediate researcher, this list might help you to select SCI/SCOUPUS journal.
SCI Indexed Journals:
- International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
- Visual Computer
- International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
- Machine Vision and Applications
- Pattern Analysis and Applications
- IET Computer Vision
- IET Image Processing
- Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
- Image and Vision Computing
- Pattern Recognition Letters
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Scopus Indexed Journals:
- ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
- Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing
- Applied Soft Computing Journal
- Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Communications in Computer and Information Science
- Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging
- IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- IET Computer Vision
- Image and Vision Computing
- Imaging Science Journal
Expert talk on “Image Processing” at Vidush Somany Institute of Technology and Research, Kadi
Web Resources
Expert talk on “Face Recognitin” at Chandubhai S Patel Institute of Technology, CHARUSAT, Changa
Dataset for Face Recognition
- Face Recognition Datasets
- 10 Face Datasets To Start Facial Recognition Projects
- Deepfake Detection Challenge
- Face Data sets
- 7 Face Data sets
- Face Detection Data sets
- Lablled faces in the Wild
- Databases for Face Detection and Pose Estimation
- Face Databases
- WIDER FACE: A Face Detection Benchmark
- CMU Face Images Data Set
- YouTube Faces DB
Expert talk on “Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms, How to set up ML Application – Hands on using Python” in Three Day Workshop at Indus University, Ahmedabad
Linear Regression:
Logistic Regression:
Naive Bayes:
Expert talk on “Introduction to Machine Learning” in one Week FDP at Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute, Mehsana
Video Tutorials:
- Machine Learning by Prof. Andrew Ng
- Machine Learning with Python
- Video Lecture Series by Prof. S. Sarkar (IIT – Kharagpur)
Web Resrouces:
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Blog
- Machine Learning Mastery
- Machine Learning – HackerEarth
- Machine Learning is Fun
Expert talk on “Object Oriented Programming” in one Week FDP at Gujarat Power Engineering and Research Institute, Mehsana
Reference Material:
Expert talk on “Generative Models” at LJ Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad
Reference Material:
- Deep Generative Models
- Gaussian Mixture Model
- Generative vs. Discriminative Models
- Generative vs. Discriminative Models in Machine Learning
GUJCOST sponsered Online National Level STTP on “Machine Learning” at Ahmedabad Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad
Open Dataset for Research:
Reference Material:
GUJCOST sponsored Two Day workshop on “Introduction to Machine Learning and Implementation of ML – Algorithms through sklearn” at V. V. P. Engineering College, Modasa
Hands On:
Open Dataset for Research:
Video Tutorials:
- Machine Learning by Prof. Andrew Ng
- Machine Learning with Python
- Video Lecture Series by Prof. S. Sarkar (IIT – Kharagpur)
Web Resrouces:
Presentation on “Microsoft Teams” at Government Engineering College, Modasa on 02/07/2020
Webinar on “Building Machine Learning Application” at RNG Patel Institute of Technology, Isroli, Bardoli on 29/06/2020, 01:00 PM Onwards
Registration Link:
Video Tutorials:
- Machine Learning by Prof. Andrew Ng
- Machine Learning with Python
- Video Lecture Series by Prof. S. Sarkar (IIT – Kharagpur)
Web Resrouces:
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Blog
- Machine Learning Mastery
- Machine Learning – HackerEarth
- Machine Learning is Fun
Dataset Repositories:
Webinar on “Image Processing: Pixel to Project” at GIDC Degree Engineering College, Navsari on 17/06/2020, 03:00 PM Onwards
Registration Link:
Image Processing Open Souce Software
Learning Resources:
Webinar on “Python Programming” at S. S. Agrawal College, Navsari on 12/06/2020
Get Python:
Get IDE:
Learning Resources:
Expert talk on “Advanced Algorithms” at Government Engineering College, Patan (07-03-2020)
Reference Material:
One Day Workshop on “Advanced Image Processing with Hands On Session” @ INDUS Institute of Technology and Engineering, Ahmedabad (18-02-2020)
Two Week STTP on Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python at Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar (10/06/2019 – 21/06/2019)
Hands On:
- Machine Learnings
- Machine Learning Blog
- Machine Learning Mastery
- Machine Learning – Hacker Earth
- Machine Learning is Fun
Two Day Workshop on “Curve Generation and Open GL” on 18-03.2019 to 19-03-2019 at Parul University, Baroda
Web Resources:
- Red Book: “OpenGL Programming Guide”, 6th Eds, 2008, Addison-Wesley.
- Blue Book: “OpenGL Superbible – Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference”, 4th eds, Addison-Wesley.
- Orange Book: “OpenGL Shading Language”. Edward Angel, “OpenGL – A Primer”, 3rd eds, Pearson Education.
- “Interactive Computer Graphics – A top-down approach using OpenGL”, Edward Angel and David Shreiner, 6th ed, Pearson Education, 2012.
- “3D Graphics for Game Programming”, JungHyun Han, CRCPress, 2011.
Workshop on MATLAB @ GEC, Modasa (19-01-2019)
Two Week STTP on Hands-on Practices using Simulation Toolkits for Data Science and Big Data Analytics @ LDRP-ITR, Gandhinagar (17-12-2018)
Reference Links:
Two Week STTP on Python and its Applications @ BVM, V.V.Nagar
Reference Material:
FDP on Applied Machine Learning: A Practical Based Appraoch @ VGEC, Chandkheda
Reference Material:
Workshop on Informed Search Algorithms @ ASOIT, Ahmedabad
Reference Material:
Hands on for Regression Analysis & Dimension Reduction
Find the assignments for the STTP on “Machine Learning: Tools, Techniques and Applications”, LDRP Institute of Technology and Research, Gandhinagar
Workshop on Virual Lab @ GEC, Modasa
Dear All, You can download the document on how to use virtual lab from the following link.
Seminar on PMMS
Dear Students, Find the documents related to PMMS activities.
Workshop on LaTeX @ SRPEC, Unjha
Hands On Excersize:
Resources for Latex: