Q1: The memory address of the first element is called ?
(A) Floor Address
(B) Foundation
(C) First Address
(D) Base Address
Q2: To represent hierarchical relationship between elements, which data structure is suitable ?
(A) Dequeue
(B) Priority
(C) Tree
(D) All of the above
Q3: The number of nodes in a complete binary tree of level 5 is
(A) 15
(B) 25
(C) 63
(D) 71
Q4: Which of the following case does not exist in complexity theory
(A) Best case
(B) Worst case
(C) Average case
(D) Null case
Q5: The time factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by
(A) Counting microseconds
(B) Counting the number of key operations
(C) Counting the number of statements
(D) Counting the kilobytes of algorithm
Q6: Folding is a method of generating ________
(A) A hash function
(B) Index function for a triangular matrix
(C) Header node for a circular linked list
(D) Linear probing
(E) Chaining
Q7: What is a heuristic function?
(A) A function to solve mathematical problems
(B) A function which takes parameters of type string and returns an integer value
(C) A function whose return type is nothing
(D) A function which returns an object
(E) A function that maps from problem state descriptions to measures of desirability.
Q8: Suppose a circular queue of capacity (n -1) elements is implemented with an array of n elements. Assume that the insertion and deletion operations are carried out using REAR and FRONT as array index variables, respectively. Initially, REAR = FRONT = 0. The conditions to detect queue full and queue empty are
(A) full: (REAR+1) mod n == FRONT empty: REAR == FRONT
(B) full: (REAR+1) mod n == FRONT empty: (FRONT+1) mod n == REAR
(C) full: REAR == FRONT empty: (REAR+1) mod n == FRONT
(D) full: (FRONT+1) mod n == REAR empty: REAR == FRONT
Q9: A sort which relatively passes through a list to exchange the first element with any element less than it and then repeats with a new first element is called