Data Structures: MCQ Set – 07

Data Structures: MCQ Set – 07

Q61: Maximum number of nodes at level L in binary tree: (Assumption: Level of root is 0)

  • (A) 2L
  • (B) 2L+1 – 1
  • (C) 2L-1 – 1
  • (D) Log2L
  • (A) Arrays
  • (B) Stacks
  • (C) Linked List
  • (D) None

Q63: The data type created by the data abstraction process is called

  • (A) class
  • (B) structure
  • (C) abstract data type
  • (D) user defined data type

Q64: The complexity of Bubble sort algorithm is

  • (A) O(n)
  • (B) O(log n)
  • (C) O(n2)
  • (D) O(n log n)

Q65: How many minimum number of spanning trees, one can have from a given connected graph with N nodes is having different weights for the edges.

  • (A) N-1
  • (B) One
  • (C) 1/(N+1) 2 NCN
  • (D) 2 NCN
  • (E) N

Q66: The Average case occur in linear search algorithm

  • (A) When Item is somewhere in the middle of the array
  • (B) When Item is not in the array at all
  • (C) When Item is the last element in the array
  • (D) When Item is the last element in the array or is not there at all

Q67: Convert the following postfix expression to a fully parenthesized infix expression: A B C – D E + * F * +

  • (A) (A + ((B – C) * (D + E) * F))
  • (B) (A + (((B – C) * (D + E)) * F))
  • (C) A + (((B – C) * (D + E)) * F)
  • (D) (A + ((B – C) * (D + E)) * F)
  • (E) A + ((B – C) * (D + E)) * F

Q68: All computers execute

  • (A) BASIC programs
  • (B) COBOL programs
  • (C) Machine language program
  • (D) FORTRAN programs
  • (E) PL/1 programs

Q69: Sequential file organization is most appropriate for which of following applications?

  • (A) Grocery store checkout
  • (B) bank checking account
  • (C) payroll
  • (D) airline reservations
  • (E) none of above

Q70: The data structure required to check whether an expression contains balanced parenthesis is

  • (A) Stack
  • (B) Queue
  • (C) Tree
  • (D) Array

