Algorithm: MCQ Set – 09
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Q81: The depth of a complete binary tree is given by
- (A) Dn = n log2n
- (B) Dn = n log2n+1
- (C) Dn = log2n
- (D) Dn = log2n+1
Q82: Which of the following algorithms solves the all-pair shortest path problem?
- (A) Dijkstra’s algorithm
- (B) Floyd’s algorithm
- (C) Prim’s algorithm
- (D) Warshall’s algorithm
Q83: Total Degree of a Triangle is
Q84: For a same problem If Time Complexity of Recursive algorithm is x and Time Complexity of Iterative algorithm is y, then
- (A) x < y
- (B) x > y
- (C) x = y
- (D) can not be said
Q85: Worst case Time Complexity of Addition of two n X n Matrix is
- (A) n2
- (B) n2log(n)
- (C) n log(n)
- (D) n3
Q86: In a Selection Sort of n elements, how many times is the swap function called in the complete execution of the algorithm?
- (A) 1
- (B) n – 1
- (C) n log(n)
- (D) n2
Q87: T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + k.n , where k is constant, then T(n) is equal to
- (A) O(n log(n))
- (B) O( log(n) )
- (C) O(n )
- (D) O(n2 )
Q88: The running time for creating a heap of size n is
- (A) O (n)
- (B) O (log n)
- (C) O (n log n)
- (D) O (n2)
Q89: Search tables used by compilers for efficient searching generally use
- (A) Hash Tables
- (B) Linear lists of Records
- (C) Binary Search Tables
- (D) Binary Search Trees
Q90: If P(n) = n2 then what is correct?
- (A) P(n) = n3
- (B) P(n) = n4
- (C) P(n) = n2
- (D) All of the above
Question | Q81 | Q82 | Q83 | Q84 | Q85 | Q86 | Q87 | Q88 | Q89 | Q90 |
Answer | D | B | A | B | A | B | A | C | A | D |