Q51: Which is a measure of the estimated regression equation’s quality of fit?
(A) multiple coefficient of determination
(B) mean square due to error
(C) mean square due to regression
(D) none of the above
Q52: Time complexity of K-fold cross-validation is
(A) linear in K
(B) quadratic in K
(C) cubic in K
(D) exponential in K
Q53: The multiple coefficient of determination is calculated as follows:
(A) dividing SSR by SST
(B) dividing SST by SSR
(C) dividing SST by SSE
(D) none of the above
Q54: With Bayes classifier, missing data items are
(A) treated as equal compares
(B) treated as unequal compares
(C) replaced with a default value
(D) ignored.
Q55: In ensemble learning, predictions for weak learners are aggregated so that an ensemble of these models predicts better than individual models. Which of the following assertions is/are correct for weak learners in an ensemble model? (1). They don’t often overfit. (2). Because they have a large bias, they are unable to tackle complicated learning tasks. (3). They are frequently overfit.
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 2 and 3
(D) None of the above
Q56: Consider the problem of binary classification. Assume I trained a model on a linearly separable training set, and now I have a new labeled data point that the model properly categorized and is far away from the decision border. In which instances is the learnt decision boundary likely to change if I now add this additional point to my previous training set and re-train?
(a) When my model is a perceptron.
(b) When my model is logistic regression.
(c) When my model is an SVM.
(d) When my model is Gaussian discriminant analysis.
Q57: Which of the following are true about subset selection?
(A) Subset selection can substantially decrease the bias of support vector machines
(B) Subset selection can reduce overfitting
(C) Ridge regression frequently eliminates some of the features
(D) Finding the true best subset takes exponential time
Q58: What is the link between the degree of significance and the level of confidence?
(A) Significance level = Confidence level
(B) Significance level = 1- Confidence level
(C) Significance level = 1/Confidence level
(D) None of the above
Q59: Which of the following options cannot be the probability of any event? (A). -0.00001 (B). 0.5 (C). 1.001
(A) Only A
(B) Only B
(C) Only C
(D) A and B
(E) B and C
(F) A and C
Q60: Which of the following events is most likely?