Knapsack Problem using Branch and Bound

Knapsack Problem using Branch and Bound: Introduction

Knapsack Problem using Branch and Bound is disucssed in this article. LC and FIFO, both variants are described with example.

  • As discussed earlier, the goal of knapsack problem is to maximize \[ sum_{i}^{} p_i x_i \] given the constraints \[ sum_{i}^{} w_i x_i le M\], where M is the size of the knapsack. A maximization problem can be converted to a minimization problem by negating the value of the objective function.
  • The modified knapsack problem is stated as,

minimize \[ -sum_{i}^{} p_i x_i \]  subjected to \[ sum_{i}^{} w_i x_i le M\],

Where, \[ x_i in {0, 1}, 1 le i le n \]

  • Node satisfying the constraint \[ sum_{i}^{} w_i x_i le M\] in state space tree is called the answer state, the remaining nodes are infeasible.
  • For the minimum cost answer node, we need to define \[ hat{c}(x) = -sum_{i}^{} p_i x_i \] for every answer node xi.
  • Cost for infeasible leaf node would be ∞.
  • For all non-leaf nodes, cost function is recursively defined as

c(x) = min{ c(LChild(x)), c(RChild(x)) }

  • For every node x, \[ hat{c}(x) le c(x) le u(x) \].
  • Algorithm for knapsack problem using branch and bound is described below :
  • For any node N, upper bound for feasible left child remains N. But upper bound for its right child needs to be calculated.

Other methods to solve knapsack problem:

There are many ways to solve this problem:

Algorithm for Knapsack Problem using Branch and Bound

Algorithm BB_KNAPSACK(cp, cw, k)
// Description : Solve knapsack problem using branch and bound 
// Input:	
cp: Current profit, initially 0
cw: Current weight, initially 0
k: Index of item being processed, initially 1

// Output: 	
fp: Final profit
Fw: Final weight
X: Solution tuple

cp ← 0
cw ← 0
k ← 1

if (cw + w[k] ≤ M) then
  Y[k]  ← 1
  if (k < n) then
    BB_KNAPSACK(cp + p[k], cw + w[k], k + 1)
  if (cp + p[k] > fp) && (k == n) then
    fp ← cp + c[k]
    fw ← cw + w[k]
    X ← Y

if BOUND(cp, cw, k) ≥ fp then
  Y[k] ← 0
  if (k < n) then
    BB_KNAPSACK(cp, cw, k + 1)
  if( cp>fp ) && ( k == n ) then
    fp ← cp
    fw ← cw
    X ← Y

Upper bound is computed as follow :

Function BOUND(cp, cw, k)

b ← cp
c ← cw
for i ← k + 1 to n do
  if (c + w[i] ≤ M) then
    c ← c + w[i]
    b ← b – p[i]
return b

BB_KNAPSACK(0, 0, 1) would be the first call.

LCBB for Knapsack

LC branch and bound solution for knapsack problem is derived as follows :

  1. Derive state space tree.
  2. Compute lower bound \[ hat{c}(.) \] and upper bound \[ u(.) \] for each node in state space tree.
  3. If lower bound is greater than upper bound than kill that node.
  4. Else select node with minimum lower bound as E-node.
  5. Repeat step 3 and 4 until all nodes are examined.
  6. The node with minimum lower bound value \[ hat{c}(.) \] is the answer node. Trace the path from leaf to root in the backward direction to find the solution tuple.


The bounding function is a heuristic computation. For the same problem, there may be different bounding functions. Apart from the above-discussed bounding function, another very popular bounding function for knapsack is,

ub   =   v + (W – w) * (vi+1 / wi+1)


v is value/profit associated with selected items from the first i items.

W is the capacity of the knapsack.

w is the weight of selected items from first i items



Solve the following instance of knapsack using LCBB for knapsack capacity M = 15.

i Pi Wi
1 10 2
2 10 4
3 12 6
4 18 9


Let us compute u(1) and \[ hat{c}(1) \]. If we include first three item then \[ sum_{}{}w_i le M \], but if we include 4th item, it exceeds knapsack capacity. So,

u(1)     = \[ -sum_{}{}p_i \]   such that  \[ sum_{}{}w_i le M \]

= – (p1 + p2 + p3)

= -(10 + 10 + 12) = – 32

\[ hat{c}(1) = u(1) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \]

That gives,

\[ hat{c}(1) = -32 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -38

State Space Tree:

Node 2 : Inclusion of item 1 at node 1

Inclusion of item 1 is compulsory. So we will end up with same items in previous step.

u(2) = – (p1 + p2 + p3) = – (10 + 10 + 12) = – 32

\[ hat{c}(2) = u(2) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(2) = -32 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -38

Node 2 is inserted in list of live nodes.

Node 3 : Exclusion of item 1 at node 1

We are excluding item 1 and including 2 and 3. Item 4 cannot be accommodated in knapsack along with items 2 and 3. So,

u(3) = -(p2 + p3) = – (10 + 12) = – 22

\[ hat{c}(3) = u(3) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(3) = -22 – frac{15 – (4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -32

Node 3 is inserted in the list of live nodes.

State-space tree:

At level 1, node 2 has minimum \[ hat{c}(.) \], so it becomes E-node.

Node 4 : Inclusion of item 2 at node 2

Item 1 is already added at node 2, and we must have to include item 2 at this node. After adding items 1 and 2, the knapsack can accommodate item 3 but not 4.

u(4) = – (p1 + p2 + p3) = – (10 + 10 + 12) = – 32

\[ hat{c}(4) = u(4) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(4) = -32 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -38

Node 5: Exclusion of item 2 at node 2

At node 5, item 1 is already added, we must have to skip item 2. Only item 3 can be accommodated in knapsack after inserting item 1. u(5) =- (p1 + p3) = – (10 + 12) = – 22

\[ hat{c}(5) = u(5) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(5) = -22 – frac{15 – (2 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -36

State Space Tree:

At level 2, node 4 has minimum \[ hat{c}(.) \], so it becomes E-node.

Node 6 : Inclusion of item 3 at node 4

At node 4, item 1 and 2 are already added, we have to add item 3. After including item 1, 2 and 3, item 4 cannot be accommodated. u(6) = – (10 + 10 + 12) = – 32

\[ hat{c}(6) = u(6) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(6) = -32 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -38

Node 7 : Exclusion of item 2 at node 2

On excluding item 3, we can accommodate item 1, 2 and 4 in knapsack.

u(7) = -(10 + 10 + 18) = – 38

\[ hat{c}(7) = u(7) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(7) = -38 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 9)}{6}*12\] = -38

State Space Tree:

When there is tie, we can select any node. Let’s make node 7 E-node.

Node 8 : Inclusion of item 4 at node 7

u(8) = -(10 + 10 + 18) = – 38

\[ hat{c}(8) = u(8) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(8) = -38 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 9)}{6}*12\] = -38

Node 9 : Exclusion of item 4 at node 7

This node excludes both the items, 3 and 4. We can add only item 1 and 2.

u(9) = -(10 + 10) = – 20

\[ hat{c}(9) = u(9) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(9) = -20 – frac{15 – (2 + 4)}{0}*0\] = -20

At last level, node 8 has minimum \[ hat{c}(.) \], so node 8 would be the answer node. By tracing from node 8 to root, we get item 4, 2 and 1 in the knapsack.

Solution vector X = {x1, x2, x4} and profit = p1 + p2 + p4 = 38

FIFO for Knapsack

  • In FIFO branch and bound approach, variable tuple size state space tree is drawn. For each node N, cost function \[ hat{c}(.) \] and upper bound u(.) is computed similarly to the previous approach. In LC search, E node is selected from two child of current node.
  • In FIFO branch and bound approach, both the children of siblings are inserted in list and most promising node is selected as new E node.
  • Let us consider the same example :

Example on Knapsack Problem using Branch and Bound

Example: Solve following instance of knapsack using FIFO BB.

i Pi Wi
1 10 2
2 10 4
3 12 6
4 18  9


Let us compute u(1) and \[ hat{c}(1) \].

u(1) = \[ sum_{}^{}p_i \] such that \[ sum w_i le M \]

=   – (10 + 10 + 12) = – 32

Upper = u(1) = – 32

If we include the first three items then \[ sum w_i le M \] , but if we include 4th item, it exceeds the knapsack capacity.

\[ hat{c}(1) = u(1) – frac{M – Weight ; of ; selected ; items}{Weight ; of ; remaining ; items}*Profit ; of ; remaining ; items \] \[ hat{c}(1) = -32 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -38

State space tree:

Node 2 : Inclusion of item 1 at node 1

u(2) = -(10 + 10 + 12) = – 32

\[ hat{c}(2) = -32 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -38

Node 3 : Exclusion of item 1 at node 1

We are excluding item 1, including 2 and 3. Item 4 cannot be accommodated in a knapsack along with 2 and 3.

u(3) = -(10 + 12) = – 22

\[ hat{c}(3) = -22 – frac{15 – (4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -32

Knapsack Problem using Branch and Bound example

In LC approach, node 2 would be selected as E-Node as it has minimum (×). But in FIFO approach, all child of node 2 and 3 are expanded and the most promising child becomes E-node.

Node 4 : Inclusion of item 2 at node 2

u(4) = -(10 + 10 + 12) = – 32

\[ hat{c}(4) = -32 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -38

Node 5 : Exclusion of item 2 at node 2

We are excluding item 1, including 2 and 3. Item 4 cannot be accommodated in a knapsack along with 2 and 3.

u(5) = -(10 + 12) = – 22

\[ hat{c}(5) = -22 – frac{15 – (4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -32

Node 6 : Inclusion of item 2 at node 3

u(6) = -(p2 + p3) = – (10 + 12) = – 22

\[ hat{c}(6) = -22 – frac{15 – (4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -32

Node 7 : Exclusion of item 2 at node 3

We are excluding item 1, including 2 and 3. Item 4 cannot be accommodated in a knapsack along with 2 and 3.

u(7) = -(p3 + p4) = – (12 + 18) = – 30

\[ hat{c}(7) = -30 – 0 \] = -30

Example on Knapsack Problem using Branch and Bound

Out of node 4, 5, 6 and 7, \[ hat{c}(7) \] > upper, so kill node 7. Remaining 3 nodes are live and added in list. Out of 4, 5 and 6, node 4 has minimum \[ hat{c} \] value, so it becomes next E-node.

Node 8 : Inclusion of item 3 at node 4

u(8) = -(10 + 10 + 12) = – 32

\[ hat{c}(8) = -32 – frac{15 – (2 + 4 + 6)}{9}*18\] = -38

Node 9 : Exclusion of item 3 at node 4

We are excluding item 3, including 1 and 2 and 4.

u(9) = -(p1 + p2 + p4) = – (10 + 10 + 18) = – 38

\[ hat{c}(9) = -38 – 0 \] = -38

Upper = u(9) = – 38.

\[ hat{c}(5) \] > upper and \[ hat{c}(6) \] > upper, so kill them. If we continue in this way, final state space tree looks as follow :

Knapsack Problem using Branch and Bound

Node 12 has minimum cost function value, so it will be the answer node.

Solution vector = {x1, x2, x4},

profit = 10 + 10 + 18 = 38



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