Data Structures: Question Set – 16
Is Heap Sort stable or unstable?
Heap Sort is unstable, meaning that the order of equal elements may not be preserved during the sorting process.
What are some advantages of Heap Sort?
Some advantages of Heap Sort include its efficient time complexity, its in-place sorting algorithm, and its ability to sort arrays with very large numbers of elements.
What are some disadvantages of Heap Sort?
Some disadvantages of Heap Sort include its instability, its reliance on the heap data structure, which can be more complicated to implement than other data structures, and its worst-case time complexity, which is the same as its average case.
Can Heap Sort be used to sort linked lists?
Heap Sort is not an ideal algorithm for sorting linked lists, as it relies on random access to elements in the array, which is not possible with linked lists. However, with some modifications, it is possible to implement Heap Sort on linked lists.
What is Radix Sort?
Radix Sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm that sorts data by grouping keys by the individual digits that share the same significant position and value. It is a linear time sorting algorithm, and its time complexity is O(d(n+k)), where d is the maximum number of digits, n is the number of elements to sort, and k is the range of values.
How does Radix Sort work?
Radix Sort works by sorting the elements of an array based on their individual digits. It starts by looking at the least significant digit of each element, grouping them according to their values, and then sorting them. It then moves on to the next most significant digit and repeats the process until all digits have been sorted.
What is the time complexity of Radix Sort?
The time complexity of Radix Sort is O(d(n+k)), where d is the maximum number of digits, n is the number of elements to sort, and k is the range of values.
What is the space complexity of Radix Sort?
The space complexity of Radix Sort is O(n+k), where n is the number of elements to sort and k is the range of values.
Is Radix Sort stable or unstable?
Radix Sort is generally considered to be a stable sorting algorithm, as it preserves the relative order of equal elements during the sorting process.
What are some advantages of Radix Sort?
Some advantages of Radix Sort include its linear time complexity, its stability, and its ability to sort numbers with varying numbers of digits.