Data Structures: Question Set – 04
Explain the concept of a data structure.
To store and retrieve information quickly and easily, computers use data structures. It specifies a method of data representation and manipulation.
What are the many data structures that exist?
Several other data structures exist, such as :
- Arrays,
- linked lists,
- stacks,
- queues,
- trees,
- graphs.
What is an abstract data type (ADT)?
An ADT is a data type that is defined by its behaviour rather than its implementation. It provides a set of actions that can be done on the data type, but not necessarily how those operations are implemented.
Give the examples of ADT
Some examples of ADTs are stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, and graphs.
What makes ADTs essential?
ADTs offer a means of encapsulating data and processes in a form that facilitates the analysis of and modification of code. They can also make code more modular and simpler to maintain, and they permit code reuse.
What distinguishes an ADT from a data structure?
A data structure is a particular application of an ADT, whereas an ADT is a conceptual idea that specifies the behaviour of a data type.
What distinguishes an interface from an abstract class in object-oriented programming?
An interface is a collection of method signatures without any implementation details, whereas an abstract class is a class that cannot be constructed and may contain some implementation details. In other words, an interface is a contract that classes can implement, whereas an abstract class is a class that is only partially implemented.
When comparing an array and a linked list, what are the key distinctions?
A linked list is a collection of elements connected through pointers, where each entry holds a reference to the next element in the list; this contrasts with an array, which is a collection of elements of the same data type stored in contiguous memory locations.
Exactly what is a stack, and how does it function?
Last-in, first-out (LIFO) is the guiding principle of stacks and other LIFO data structures. Push (to add something to the top of the stack) and pop (to remove something from the top of the stack) are its two main operations (to remove the top element from the stack).