C++ Program to Print First and Last Digit of Number using For Loop

C++ Program to Print First and Last Digit of Number using For Loop

Write C++ Program to Print First and Last Digit of Number using For Loop

// CPP Program to Print First and Last Digit of Number using For Loop

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	int n, first_digit,last_digit;

	cout << "Enter the Number :--> ";
	cin >> n;

	last_digit = n % 10;  //last digit of a number

        for(; n > 0; )
		first_digit = n % 10;  //first digit of a number
		n = n / 10;
	cout << "The first digit of the number is : " << first_digit;
	cout << "\nThe last digit of the number id : " << last_digit;

	return 0;


Enter the Number :--> 98745

The first digit of the number is : 9
The last digit of the number id : 5