C Program to Convert Character Cases

C Program to Convert Character Cases

Write C Program to convert a character from upper to lower and lower to upper case

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()
    char upper, lower; // declare variables
    int ascii;

    // convert in lower case
    printf (" Enter the Upper Case Character :--> ");
    scanf (" %c", &upper);

    ascii = upper + 32;

    printf ("Lower case of %c : %c", upper, ascii);

    // convert in upper case
    printf ("\n Enter the Lower Case Character :--> ");
    scanf (" %c", &lower);

    ascii = lower - 32;

     printf ("Upper case of %c : %c", lower, ascii);

    return 0;


Enter the Upper Case Character :--> U
Lower case of U :--> u

Enter the Lower Case Character :--> q
Upper case of q :--> Q