C Program to Compute Volume and Surface Area of Cube

C Program to Compute Volume and Surface Area of Cube

Write C Program to Compute the Volume and the Surface Area of a Cube

//Write a C Program to Compute Volume and Surface Area of Cube

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

   float side = 4;

   double area_cube;
   //cube area formula
   area_cube = 6 * side * side;

   double volume;
   //cube volume formula
   volume = side * side * side;

   printf("Surface area of the cube having side %.2f :--> %0.2f ", side, area_cube);
   printf("\nVolume of the cube having side %.2f :--> %.2f ",side, volume);

   return 0;


Surface area of the cube having side 4.00 :--> 96.00
Volume of the cube having side 4.00 :--> 64.00